Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to tie the Carrick Bend

One of my new favorite knots is the Carrick Bend. It is not technically a knot, as it is used to connect two lines together (bending). The Carrick Bend has a reputation for very secure, while being easy to untie. It is particularly useful in marine applications, where a wet rope could create jamming problems. The Carrick Bend looses a lot of strength, however, with it's sharp bends.

Begin the Carrick bend by forming a loop. A second loop will eventually be formed, and intertwined with the first loop. Place the working end of the second line underneath the first loop.

Take the working end of the unformed loop, and begin forming a second loop over the first, buy crossing over and under each section of line. if done correctly, there will be two identical loops intertwined.

This is how the complete bend should look before dressing and loading.

And this is the properly dressed Carrick Bend! Practice it a couple times and it becomes easy!


  1. Close - but not a carrick! before you pull it tight, both short ends should be above or below (as long as they are the same). Finished product has both ends diagonally opposite. See knots by Grog!
